Grievance Redressal
Write to us
Please write to us using the contact form below if you would like to know more about the opportunity, share ideas, give feedback, have complaints, or would simply like to request a catalogue
- Our Corporate Office
Sunedge Marketing Pvt. Ltd.
1st Floor, Arvice Chember, Premlok Park , Chinchawad, Pune – 411033
Phone : +91 958 842 1418
- Customer Care Numbers
- Product Department : 9075078881
- Wallet Department : 9075078885
- Software Department : 8669076841
- Payout Department : 9075078884
- For General Queries
- For Grievance Redressal
Write to Mr. Mahendra Murumkar To know the Mechanism to raise your Grievance Redressal
- For Nodal Officer